1. Color changes. Whether it’s trees, wardrobe, or the general aesthetic at the grocery store, you can’t help but feel inspired and a little bit warmed by the season change.
2. Pumpkin Spice. You either enjoy it, or you enjoy making fun of people who enjoy it.
3. Sales galore! Summer merch is massively discounted, and back-to-school sales have gotten even better now that school is actually back in session. Even airfare is cheaper in the fall! Start. Saving.
4. No more summer crowds. If you live somewhere remotely touristy you get your city back for a small window of time before the holidays. Breathe deeply while you can.
5. Changes in food flavors. Suddenly soups and braises become readily available and produce has switched from bright, light options like berries and asparagus to heartier, moody varieties like squashes and pomegranate.
6. Changes in drink flavors. Wine tendencies switch from white to red; spirits favor a darker medium like bourbon and spiced liqueurs. Variety is good for the soul, folks.
7. There is no lack of things to do. You thought summer weekends were busy, but fall offers almost more events and incentives to get out of the house and have some fun! Pumpkin patches, apple orchards, haunted houses, and just the general desire to stroll through the park with a hot beverage in hand.
8. Cozy season is in full effect. Yes, it gets dark earlier but it almost feels like permission to snug up on the couch with a good book or movie rather than going out and spending money. Just set the slow cooker in the morning and let all social pressures fall by the wayside!
9. Grilled cheese and tomato soup. Enough said.
10. Halloween is really fun. Jack-o-lanterns, costumes, fun décor, scary movies…and if none of those things float your boat there is always the discounted bulk candy to consider.
Before you know it Autumn is waning and the holidays are rapidly approaching, so remember to live in the moment before it passes you by!