Working as accountants, our busiest time falls from the start of the new year, through that April 15th deadline. As hard as we work, and as much as we love what we do, we can also get stressed sometimes - we’re human. It happens to all of us at one time or another, so if something in life is stressing you out, here are five tips of how to de-stress.
1) This one is a little silly to some, but we find it helpful. Give yourself a finite amount of time to worry. Designate 5-10 minutes of your day as time to acknowledge your worries. Think about them, write them down, get them out of your head so you can return to your work and stay on task.
2) Stretch and move your body. Don’t sit at your desk for 6 hours straight. We know there is lots of your work to do, and little time to complete it all, but take 2 minutes to walk around the office or stand up and stretch at your desk. This not only helps your physical comfort, but re-invigorates you mentally as well.

3) Bring snacks to the office. This one is very important. When working long days people often do not take the time to stop and eat full meals. Whether you have time or not, having healthy, protein packed snacks easily accessible at your desk can keep you working and able to focus all day.
4) Get a head start. Wake up early, get out the door a little early. Starting your morning off on the right foot sets the tone for your whole day. When you make it to the office on time, or even a little early, you are in a positive mind set to tackle your day.
5) Get some sleep! It is easier to get that head start in the morning if you get enough sleep the night before. If you get enough sleep, you are able to function at a higher level throughout the day. With enough sleep you will not be groggy, you will be clear headed and ready to work.
While you have lots of work to do, remember that many other factors can influence your ability to complete everything to the best of your abilities. Take these small steps to keep stress at bay. In addition, remember to keep everything in perspective, and remind yourself all the things you love about your life and job.