Thanksgiving is just days away, with Christmas and New Years following quick behind. As much as we all love the holiday season, it can become overwhelming or stressful at times. It’s hard to balance cooking special meals, finding the perfect gifts, traveling, keeping your family happy and attending holiday events, while still maintaining a level of holiday cheer. So here are 5 tips to help you survive the holiday season, while keeping the joyful spirit in mind.

1) If you are traveling, try to do so on a less busy day. Leave a day early, or a day later to avoid the most saturated travel days. This will keep waiting to a minimum and help avoid unnecessary stress.
2) Say no. You can not do everything. It is okay to pick and choose which events and activities you have time for and say no to others.
3) Write a to-do list. All the little details add up, so writing a list of to-do’s can help keep you on task and organized when things get busy.

4) Delegate, or ask for help. If you have additional responsibilities at work, or need help cleaning the house before family arrives, kindly ask for assistance. A team can get things done more efficiently than if you run yourself ragged trying to do every task on your own.
5) Carve out time to enjoy the holiday traditions that you love! Whether you love wandering the tree lots, looking at lights around your neighborhood, or snuggling up by the fire, make sure you give yourself a break from all the busy-ness to fully appreciate the most wonderful time of the year.