November 15 is America Recycles Day.
Living in an ever changing, rapidly evolving world one thing we cannot do is create more natural resources. The resources on our planet are limited and recycling is one simple and effective way we can minimize our impact on the environment. What ways do you do your part to recycle? How could you do more?

The following is shared from the America Recycles Day Organization:
For America Recycles Day 2015, I pledge to:
Learn. I will find out what materials are collected for recycling in my community.
Act. Reduce my personal waste by recycling. Within the next month, I will recycle more.
Share. In the next month, I will encourage one family member or one friend to take the pledge.
Post. Take and post a photo of you recycling and enter the #Iwillrecycle sweepstakes.

Their website states that the rate of recycling has grown each year over the last 30 years, let’s make sure the statistic next year shows the rate of recycling has grown the last 31 years. Do your part to ensure that resources are being conserved, and properly disposed of to be recycled. Sometimes making a difference can feel like a daunting task, recycling makes a immediate impact, and is something you have direct control over.
Do your part!