This month, Harrington Group is turning their client spotlight North to one of our clients in Oakland, California, BANANAS Incorporated. BANANAS is an organization who provides all families with referrals to child care options including but not limited to licensed child care, personal nannies and babysitters. In the case that the family needs financial assistance to provide the care for their children, BANANAS can help families to find programs that offer subsidized care.
In addition to helping to provide childcare for families, BANANAS offers training and assistance to child care providers.
Founded in 1973, BANANAS began as a playgroup for mothers, a social group of sorts. As women in this group began entering the workforce, a need for quality childcare was born. The group evolved into a resource & referral agency to support working families in their search for quality care.
BANANAS’s mission statement defines their core intentions to help their community: “To ensure that all families in Northern Alameda County – regardless of income – have access to childcare and early childhood education through a range of services tailored to support the individual needs of parents and providers.”
BANANAS has a wide range of services available to families in their community. Child care referrals is only the beginning in a long list of assistance available through BANANAS. Families in crisis and facing emergency situations that affect their need for child care can receive help through BANANAS to be able to find immediate care that they can afford. They also provide parental counseling and help parents and providers by offering a library of educational media; books, videos, pamphlets, etc, for anyone who might want or need them. Families that wish to take advantage of these services can visit the center and participate in their children’s clothing exchange, which is free to anyone in need.
In addition to offering assistance to families, BANANAS works hard to aid in the launching of new child care facilities and to provide ongoing technical assistance to existing child care providers. If you are an already existing provider and you need assistance in training or certification, or wish to hire individuals with the proper credentials, BANANAS can help to facilitate all these needs. Also, if you are an individual who wishes to work in child care, become certified, or find a job in the field, BANANAS can help with this as well. Each service is just a small part in accomplishing the bigger picture, making sure that there is excellent quality care available for families that need it.
Its hard to imagine that there is anything that a family in need might require that BANANAS does not in some way help facilitate. They seem to have thought of everything. We are happy to have BANANAS as a valued client and we are proud of the work they do to help our children to have a better and brighter future. Harrington Group honors you BANANAS and all the good work that you do.