April is speeding by and Earth Day is right around the corner! In addition to admiring the beauty that this world is, consider finding ways to further protect our Earth this year. In this blog we’ll give some simple ideas you can implement into your office and your home to celebrate Earth Day 2022.
In office:How can you as a business owner or supervisor improve environmental initiatives in your office? Laying off the thermostat, going paperless with all office correspondence, making recycling easily accessible, and maximizing your use of natural light can all add up quickly to reduce your office’s carbon footprint.
While ‘National Walk to Work Day’ is generally observed on the first Friday of April, there is potential to incentivize commuting to work in a greener way all month long. Additionally, if there aren't a ton of local employees, maybe consider incentivizing carpooling to work. You can host a contest to see which team members walk or carpool to the office the most.
Keep these contests going all year long, challenging your team to reduce their use of plastic utensils, plastic cups, plastic bags, etc. Incentivize things like free coffee and gift cards. If this sounds like something you personally might not have time to keep track of, a sustainability team might be of some interest. Consider putting a group together to run monthly green challenges. This team can also initiate a power-down rule for the end of every shift, and anyone who doesn’t follow can either receive a note or put a dollar in a jar.
https://www.techrepublic.com/article/going-green-10-ways-to-make-your-office-more-eco-friendly-and-efficient/ In home:When shopping, bring out your bags and turn down the paper and plastic, look for products with less packaging, buy second hand, and only buy what you’ll actually use. Consider switching to a water filter and going away from plastic bottles when possible. Composting has also become more accessible, with pickup services all around the nation for affordable prices. Donating used goods is always appreciated and creates jobs as well.
https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/06/17/climate-change-30-ways-to-make-your-life-more-environmentally-friendly/39366589/ Why is Earth Day important?April 22nd, 1970 marks the start of the modern day environmental movement, what we now annually commemorate as Earth Day. This movement marks the consciousness of issues of consumption in the nation. The idea came to be a junior senator from Wisconsin, Gaylord Nelson. By 1990, Earth Day had gone global. The small, everyday choices you make in the office and at home can significantly help our planet. And can one day, help non-profits gain more credibility on a larger scale.