Do you have a motto? Words that define who you are and how you live your life?
As a business it’s important to establish a brand personality that shows your clients who you are and exactly what you stand for. A company hired to do an important job has a responsibility to express and then follow through with a specific set of standards, and your clients should always know and feel those values throughout the partnership.
At Harrington Group we don’t necessarily have a motto or a company saying, but when Joe Harrington began our firm over 15 years ago he built everything upon the foundation of three basic principles:
Experience. Service. Respect.
To each partner who has come aboard he has taught these words. Every individual who has joined the team in Northern or Southern California has learned the importance of upholding the values Harrington Group has evolved from. And everyone who will come through our doors in the future will know them as well.
It’s important to know your business. It’s important to have something to stand for, to stand with. It’s important to have a platform to stand on before you even start your day.
How do you define your business?
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