March is Multiple Sclerosis Education Month

Posted by npocpas1 npocpas1
There are always a plethora of causes that each month is dedicated to. As we work exclusively with non-profit organizations, we always have an interest in learning about and getting involved when we can. While there are various dedications in March, we are going to take this post as a chance to discuss Multiple Sclerosis, often simply referred to as MS.

The Mayo Clinic defines Multiple Sclerosis as “a disease in which your immune system attacks the protective sheath (myelin) that covers your nerves. Myelin damage disrupts communication between your brain and the rest of your body. Ultimately, the nerves themselves may deteriorate, a process that's currently irreversible.”

Early symptoms include weakness, tingling, numbness, and blurred vision but may extend to muscle stiffness, thinking problems, and urinary problems. The deterioration can be physical or mental and either progressive, or happen in what is referred to as “attacks.” As a result of the disease, those affected can lose certain physical functions, sometimes deteriorating to the point of not being able to walk, or take care of themselves. In short, they require care and assistance to accomplish tasks they may have formerly given little thought to. The simple daily routines become increasingly difficult, or even not possible on their own. As mentioned above, these effects are currently not reversible.

The effects of the disease are compounded by the toll they take on the sick individual and those who surround them. As with any problem that causes pain and suffering, or requires medical attention, there is more to it than the disease itself. There is an accompanying financial burden, in the form of medical bills, or even live in care, if so required. The emotional, and psychological state of the sick individual can be greatly altered by this new dependence on others. There can be frustration, or guilt for the effect they are unintentionally having on the lives of those they love.

So, the first thing that comes to mind in terms of how you can help is a monetary donation. Funding towards research and helping reduce care costs is always appreciated, but we are not asking that of you. We are simply asking your awareness and kindness on the issue. It is always  best to be over informed and totally aware. So take the time to learn about something, you never know when the information will be useful to you.