With Spring in full swing and Summer just around the corner, we are witness to copious amounts of stunning florals. Everywhere you turn something is in bloom. Birds are chirping and bees are a-buzz pollinating. So, you can see all the pretty flowers in public parks and gardens, and even out your windows, in your neighbor’s yard, but how do you grow a beautiful garden of your own?

For starters you have to assess the conditions where you live. Do you get enough sunlight and rain, is there a water shortage (if you live in California, look a few posts back - we are definitely in a drought), is there enough space for plants to grow their roots? Once you have determined the conditions for your garden, then you will need to find the appropriate plants that will grow in these conditions.
Do you want to start everything from seeds, or do you want too transfer flowers that are already established and have immediate results to see? So much of gardening is up to personal preference. Make sure to look around before hand and make a plan.
What are your favorite flowers? Now look through your favorites and find those that you love that will also thrive in the given conditions.
Be realistic with yourself about your involvement. Do you want plants that can live without much attention? Do you like getting into the dirt, and want to have something you trim or water regularly?

These are just a few things to consider before you venture to build a garden of your own. Don’t be afraid to take a walk around your neighborhood and ask people about what they grow and their experience, you may be surprised at how much some people love to talk about their gardens. You can also always go to your local nursery and ask all the questions you have, get tips, and spend an afternoon looking at all the pretty flowers they have. Get inspired, be creative and of course, have fun!