We support our clients at Harrington Group, nothing is more important to us than those inspiring organizations that we are lucky enough to work with on a daily basis. That is why when members of our team were nominated to take part in the ALS #icebucketchallenge, we had no choice but to do it and were happy to jump at the chance to cool off, donate money and raise awareness for such a great cause, and of course, support the fundraising efforts of one of our amazing clients.
In case you have somehow missed it, like you don’t have facebook, or your friends suffer from aquaphobia,
ALSA.org launched a campaign earlier this year that went viral this summer and has completely taken off like wild fire across the internet and social media using the hashtags #icebucketchallenge, #ALSicebucketchallenge, and #strikeoutals.
In July Matt Lauer took the #ALSicebucketchallenge on air, and since a slew of celebrities have since joined in the fun, everyone from Steven Spielberg and Jennifer Aniston to Eminem and Tina Fey. The “rules” can be found on the
ALS website, along with videos of some of the MANY who have participated worldwide. The key components of the challenge being, raise awareness for the cause, dump cold water on head, and donate. Of course liberties have been taken and folks all across the internet have put their creativity to use for a great cause, creating some very clever and entertaining variations on the original challenge.
The success of this viral campaign cannot be ignored. To date, the #icebucketchallenge has raised $79.7 million in donations...and is still going strong! ALS is becoming a household topic of conversation and through the awareness and fundraising this campaign has brought, the global community only stands to benefit in the progress made to fight ALS.
The Harrington Group team likes to jump in and get our hands dirty, or wet, when we can in support of a good cause. So take a minute and enjoy watching some of our team taking the challenge to #strikeoutals. Take a look at these videos on our facebook page of partners
Sean Cain and
Carlos Davis taking the #ALSicebucketchallenge, and give us a like while you're at it. Afterwards, if you feel so inclined, grab a bucket and join the fun. It feels good to do good!
Ozzie Torres has accepted Sean Cain's nomination to take the #alsicebucketchallenge! Check out the
video on our facebook page! Who does he challenge next?