The month of May has the pleasure of hosting some special holidays. Both Mother’s Day and Memorial Day are celebrated during this special month. While the celebration of Mothers and the remembrance of those who have given their lives serving our country are very different, it seems the over-arching lesson would be to make sure you are valuing the people in your life, and telling them so. It is a reminder of all your many blessings and fortune, while simultaneously serving to remind you of their fleeting nature.

Consider - Are you spending enough quality time with your family? Are you calling your mom, even when you don’t need her immediate advice? Are you conscious of all those laboring day in and day out to simply allow you live your life? Do you ever stop to send gratitude to the farm workers laboring to pick your food, thank your boss for the extra work they put in to being an inspirational leader, or send prayers of protection to the men and women in uniform, who have chosen to sacrifice everything for your freedoms?

Today’s world can be overwhelming. With all the media, technology and the accompanying expectations, it can sometimes be hard to see past our own daily struggles. All those in the armed forces, mothers, and mother like figures are a wonderful, and much needed reminder of how much more life can become when we dare to depart our self-imposed bubble, and put others first. I feel confident in saying, these two groups of people are some of the most highly respected in the world. They are the people we look to in times of crisis, they are who we trust when we don’t know how to proceed. We hold them in esteem, because they hold themselves to high standards, and make the necessary sacrifices to benefit others and the world at large. We respect and admire that - and rightly so.
So this month, be reminded of all those who make your life possible. Take time to thank those you can, remember those who are gone, and strive to live the values they embody.