Harrington Group Blog

npocpas1 by npocpas1 @

Thanksgiving is over and we’re officially into hustle and bustle of Christmastime.  For many this is a magical time of year filled with family and celebrations and the joy of gift giving to loved ones…but to others these are the most stressful obstacles of the year.  Families fight, parties become draining obligations, gift giving is expensive – even if you’re one of the sparkly Christmas people these things can put an occasional damper on the holiday spirit.  In order to survive the twists and turns of the season we’ve put together a few reminders for when times get…trying.

1. Find what the season means to you and hold it close.  Be it spiritual, warm and fuzzy, or material, seek out what you love about the holidays and remind yourself of it when you start to feel overwhelmed or anxious.
2. Keep a balance of indulgence and healthy food and drinks.  It’s so easy to get swept up in the party treats and cocktails but after a few days it truly starts to wear on your system, and that wear quickly shows up in your mood.  Let your system breathe with intervals of water and veggies between the pastries and champagne!
3. Speaking of balance, remember to give yourself a break from the Christmas explosion every now and then.  Go for a hike or give yourself a little spa retreat – anything that quiets the roar and sometimes blinding lights of the music and decorations.
4. Make sure to surround yourself by the people that make your world brighter.  Sometimes family is overwhelming, sometimes coworkers are maddening – hold the people that lift you up close and be sure to celebrate the season with them however you deem worthy.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @

Straddling the line between fall and winter, between reverence and revelry, we find Halloween.  If you haven’t noticed we’ve been kind of obsessing over the to-dos and to-wears for the ol’ All Hallows Eve, and in honor of the rapidly approaching day of candy and costumes and honoring the dead we thought it might be great to talk about where it all began: Ireland

According to most sources Halloween as we know it today originated in the country of rolling hills and Guinness beer.  

It all began, as many Halloween customs do, with the belief that on October 31st the dead could return to their earthly homes.  The Celtics would light bonfires to guide their way (or burn crops in sacrifice to them) and wear elaborate costumes while trying to tell each other’s fortunes (something that was believed the dead could do).

Flash forward a century or so and customs evolved.  The children would dress up in costumes and play ding-dong-ditch – ringing a doorbell and running away before the homeowner could answer – almost as if the dead were at the door.  The people would light bonfires and throw feasts with plenty of sweets and goodies baked inside, symbolizing different fortunes for the future of whoever bit into them.  For example, if a young lady discovered a ring in her pumpkin pie the prediction was that she would be married by the next Halloween!  

These customs were expanded and adapted by many cultures over the years, eventually making their way to America with the many Irish immigrants in the 1800s.  The pilgrim’s fall harvest festivals were merged with Halloween traditions, melding into a single night of revelry and trickery – jokes and pranks played on neighbors, parties thrown, fortunes told, costumes encouraged.  

Eventually the modernization of the world called for a shift in the Halloween perspective; by focusing the holiday on the young the more severe, darker edge was minimized.  And in order to prevent trickery a treat was offered as an olive branch, thus starting the tradition we still practice: Trick or Treating.

Today we see Halloween as a jolly time, costumes and parties are endless, scary movies and candy are everywhere.  It’s nice to take a moment to appreciate the history of what has become such a gaudy, albeit delightful celebration – it all started in Ireland with the burning of a bonfire and wondering what the future might have in store…
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @

Here we are, teetering on the edge of October and pleading for the weather to cooperate with the urge to wear sweaters and boots.  Halloween candy and décor are featured in every store and creative costumes are on your mind (how are you ever going to top last year’s Netflix and Chill outfit?), but October has so much more to offer than All Hallows Eve – presenting the top 3 things to do in October in Los Angeles that have nothing to do with Halloween!


Traditionally Oktoberfest happens in September but much like avocados those of us in Southern California get a bit of an extended season.  There are a number of festivals to choose from in the Los Angeles area, most of which fall between the middle to end of October.  Do some googling and get ready to dust off your lederhosen and toast with your favorite stein of beer!

Apple Picking

Okay, it might sound a little “basic” but it’s actually super fun!  Few things feel as autumnal as strolling through an orchard, hand-picking fruit in that magical, golden-hour glow and then having them instantly pressed into crisp, spiced cider, or taking them home to bake the freshest pie of all time.  Bonus points if you can go on a day below 70 degrees!

All The Sports

October marks the month in which almost all the major sports are happening at the same time – what a month to be alive!  Baseball playoffs begin, football is in full swing (is there anything more Fall than a great tailgate?), and basketball and hockey come back into play.  It’s a month for beer tasting and bratwurst grilling, game watching and pie baking, and general joy and coziness, regardless of the outside temperature.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
It is officially autumn!  The first day of fall marks the beginning of a truly magnificent season; it’s a time that warm colors, tall boots, and pumpkin spice reign supreme, a time in which we trade tequila and the beach for bourbon and blankets.  Fall begins the seasons of coziness, and to honor that change we thought we would make a list of the most palatable produce available, plus a few suggestions regarding which comfort foods to pair each with!


Butternut squash, winter squash, zucchini, pumpkins…all are in season and begging to be roasted or made into thick, warming soups.  Pair any of the above with a simple oven-roasted chicken or with our next ingredient…


This fuzzy, aromatic herb is perfect for all things fall.  Cook with it fresh or dried, just never serve it raw!  Sage shines when paired with pork and slightly sweeter elements, such as apples or butternut squash.


They’re available year round but now is when they are going to be at their best!  Bake them in a pie, make them into a spiced cider, or roast them alongside your favorite white meat – bonus points if you adventure out to an orchard and pick them yourself!


The apple’s oblong cousin.  Pears are just as versatile as apples; put them in tarts, stew them and throw them on your oatmeal, or chop them up with some walnuts and blue cheese on top of a salad!


Another veggie that’s dying to be roasted and paired with any of the above…or fried crispy and tossed with bacon and parmesan cheese.  There’s no wrong choice.


The prettiest of all the fall produce, figs add an element of glamour to any dish.  They want creamy cheeses and prosciutto or to be baked with a luxurious brown sugar or molasses.  When in doubt, slice ‘em up and throw ‘em on top for added flavor and beauty!
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @

There’s a hint of coolness to the morning breeze, the leaves on the trees are tinged with just the slightest hint of orange or gold, and suddenly the moon is creeping into the sky earlier each night.  Summer is coming to a close and we’re slowly, somewhat reluctantly saying goodbye – but not without one last hoorah.  If your Labor Day plans include a good ol’ backyard BBQ and you’re not sure what to bring we’ve got you covered, because no cookout is complete without heaping serving of Potato Salad.

Perfect Potato Salad
Serves 8-10 people

8 medium red potatoes, quartered
1 cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon stone ground mustard
4 hard-boiled eggs, chopped
6 slices of bacon, cooked and chopped/crumbled
½ cup chopped dill pickles
1 teaspoon celery seed
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
Chives and paprika for garnish

1. Bring potatoes to a boil in large pot of cold water that's been liberally salted. Reduce the heat to a lightly rolling boil and cook for 10-15 minutes or until the potatoes are easily pierced with a pairing knife. Drain and let cool until just able to handle.  
2. Don’t peel the potato skins!  They have the most nutrients and add nice color and texture to the dish. Cut into varying sized bites and transfer the potatoes to a large bowl, adding to them the hard-boiled eggs, bacon, and pickles.  If you’re feeling indulgent you can spoon just a little bit of the bacon fat over the warm potato mixture and let it soak in while executing the next step!
3. In a medium bowl mix together the mayo, mustard, celery seed, salt and pepper.  Remember, you can always add more salt but you can’t take it away once it’s in.  Taste as you go.  
4. Add the mayonnaise mixture to the potato mixture and gently stir until all ingredients are coated.  Taste, adjust, taste again, try to leave some for the guests.
5. Top with paprika and chopped chives and chill for at least 1 hour, and up to overnight.  Serve with pride!
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @

These days we almost inevitably find ourselves planted in a chair with a screen in front of us for long stretches of time.  It’s the nature of the beast; most jobs function sedentarily inside an office of some kind, and much of our leisure time is spent on our phones or tablets or televisions – unwinding to the easiness of the Internet.  Because the world of screens is so prevalent in our everyday lives it has become increasingly important to take/make the time to get outside and into nature – to unplug.  It’s easier said than done but the benefits are boundless, we’re naming a few just to get you out the door:

Stress Relief and Improved Focus – even a 5-minute walk outside and away from your desk can ease the tension and fog we feel when we’re under the gun or working long hours.  

Boost Energy Levels – movement in general will improve your vitality, but a stroll in fresh air and natural light has been shown repeatedly to be more effective than caffeine when it comes to needing a pick-me-up.

Mood Improvement – did you know that vitamin D is one of the most common deficiencies in America?  It’s also a key player in fighting off depression, among a myriad of other benefits, and absorbing it from the sun is a great way for your body to produce it naturally (with a little SPF 30+ of course).

Inspiration – it’s amazing what kind of doors a change of scenery can unlock in our minds.  Even if you’re not one for practices like meditation, getting out and moving through the environment allows the mind to clear and receive thoughts and ideas that were otherwise blocked by routine distractions.  

Exercise – we all know we need it.  Taking your workout outdoors is like a field trip for your body; running outside instead of on a treadmill brings new challenges and levels to your practice, strength training or yoga in the park instead of the gym replaces fluorescent lights and recycled air with sunlight (what up, vitamin D!) and a rejuvenating breeze.  Even just a walk around the block gets your blood pumping and all of the above – consider one block today, two blocks tomorrow…

Bonus Reason – it’s really stinkin’ beautiful.

npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
In a world where sustainability is increasingly important, one easy step you can take is to plant your own vegetable or herb garden. There are many articles and videos that can help you plan your perfect garden. You can grow a garden in your kitchen, or dedicate your yard to growing things. Whatever type of garden you decide you want, there are many benefits to planting and growing your own fruits, vegetables or herbs.

Fruits and vegetables from your own garden are higher in nutrients than the ones that have traveled to get to your grocery store.

Having kids help you in the garden can increase the chance that they will eat more of the fruits and vegetables they have helped to grow.

Growing your own fruits and vegetables can offer you the opportunity to reduce the amount of pesticides that you use in your garden, making the foods you grow healthier.

Growing a garden gives you a new appreciation for nature, when you can have the opportunity to see how things grow.

Growing your own foods can save your money.

Gardening gives you a sense of accomplishment. It is wonderful to see a physical result of your hard work.

Gardening gives you the opportunity to give back and get to know your community. If you grow more food in your garden than you can eat, share it with a neighbor or donate to a soup kitchen.

This can be a great time to create memories with your children, memories that can last a lifetime.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
 It seems as though the designations of days and months to specific celebrations, such as donuts, apple pie, or coffee are growing all the time. In a world so driven by social media, these mini holidays seem to be popping up and taking over. While they may seem trivial, we will never argue with added reasons to celebrate each day!

While there is no historical proof, or official statement declaring July to be National Ice Cream month, we are choosing to acknowledge the posts we've seen acorss social media as proof enough. Because, honestly, who needs convincing to celebrate ice cream?

Take these little weekly or monthly "internet holidays" and use them as an opportunity to share kindness, and cultivate gratitude. Sometimes these little excuses to treat ourselves, or those around us exemplify a larger opportunity to work towards happiness in our own little way.

So treat your coworkers to dessert after lunch, suprise your wife by bringing home a container of her favorite flavor, or spend the evening making ice cream at home, with your kids. Everyone can use a little extra reason to smile and  ice cream is as good a reason as any.

Happy National Ice Cream Month!
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
There is no doubt summer is just about everyone’s favorite time of year. From the beautiful weather, to the change of schedule (for some), it is the perfect time to do all the things you didn’t do the rest of the year. But when you have kids, so much unscheduled free time can lead to a case of summer boredom. Now that we are well into July, those summer blues start to creep in.

Check out a list of some of our favorite summer activities to do with kids to keep everyone busy and happy!

Have a luau in the backyard. Let your kids take the lead on what is needed to create a perfect backyard luau.

Make ice cream. You can use an ice cream maker, or just ziplock bags!

Write and illustrate a book. You can go the extra step and get it published to really let your kids know how much you value what they create.

Have a water balloon fight!

Set up a lemonade stand.

Go ice blocking (sledding) in the grass. Buy a block of ice and find a small hill and slide the day away!

Take a free kid's workshop at a local store or gym.

Set up a tent and camp in the backyard.

Make your own bubbles. Use 1 cup of distilled water, 2 tablespoons of Dawn dish soap and 1 tablespoon of glycerin.

Host a Junior Olympics competition - complete with races, hurdles and relays.

Attend an outdoor festival or concert.

Create a backyard circus. Kids can pretend to be animals and dress up as clowns.

Assemble a family cookbook with all your favorite summer recipes.

Visit a new grocery store and make lunch using interesting spices and kid-friendly international recipes.

Make paper boats and race them in a kiddie pool using straws to propel them.

Whatever you choose to do, enjoy your time as a family because these are the memories you and your children will cherish forever!
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
Father's Day is this Sunday!

Father’s Day always manages to sneak up on us, with the chaotic end of the school year, beginning of summer break and life getting busy through May. June knocks on the door before we have a chance to see it coming up the walk, and Father’s Day is hot on it’s heels.

Lucky for you, Fathers are some of the most understanding and fun people we know and they just want to spend time with the ones they love. Here are five ideas for activities with the Dad in your life to show him how much you love him.

1. Go Mini-Golfing
Does your Dad love to golf? Maybe a full round is too much, or just not going to happen with your young children. We have a solution - mini golf! Take Dad out to play some golf, in an extra fun environment! He will love the thought behind it and he will also love that everyone is having as much fun as him!

2. Go to a Baseball Game
Maybe your Father is a little older and standing that long is too much, or golf is not his thing. How about a baseball game? Take Dad, or Grandpa to a game, eat some peanuts, enjoy the great American pastime and you are guaranteed a few good stories about when he was young.

3. Visit a Historical Museum
Is the Dad in your life less into sports and more into history? Take him to any number of local historical museums, or buildings in your city. He will be so happy to learn something new and you will enjoy reliving those moments you used to share where we eagerly told you all the historical facts and significance of everything.

4. Go Hiking
If your Dad is all about living an active lifestyle, take him for a hike. It doesn’t need to be the longest hike, but doing something you know he enjoys will make him feel special. Time spent outdoors with family, is always time well spent and also sets a great example for your children.

5. Give Dad the Day Off
Finally, if you have the kind of Dad who never ever gets a day off, or a full night of sleep, let him relax. Let him sleep in - as much as he can. Maybe a lazy day at home with his loved ones is what he would enjoy most. Stay in, order takeout, play boardgames, watch movies. Let him lay low and enjoy some quality time with the people he works so hard to take care of.

Whatever you do, just remember to let your Dad know how much you love and appreciate him

Happy Father's Day!
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