Father's Day is this Sunday!
Father’s Day always manages to sneak up on us, with the chaotic end of the school year, beginning of summer break and life getting busy through May. June knocks on the door before we have a chance to see it coming up the walk, and Father’s Day is hot on it’s heels.
Lucky for you, Fathers are some of the most understanding and fun people we know and they just want to spend time with the ones they love. Here are five ideas for activities with the Dad in your life to show him how much you love him.

1. Go Mini-Golfing
Does your Dad love to golf? Maybe a full round is too much, or just not going to happen with your young children. We have a solution - mini golf! Take Dad out to play some golf, in an extra fun environment! He will love the thought behind it and he will also love that everyone is having as much fun as him!
2. Go to a Baseball Game
Maybe your Father is a little older and standing that long is too much, or golf is not his thing. How about a baseball game? Take Dad, or Grandpa to a game, eat some peanuts, enjoy the great American pastime and you are guaranteed a few good stories about when he was young.
3. Visit a Historical Museum
Is the Dad in your life less into sports and more into history? Take him to any number of local historical museums, or buildings in your city. He will be so happy to learn something new and you will enjoy reliving those moments you used to share where we eagerly told you all the historical facts and significance of everything.
4. Go Hiking
If your Dad is all about living an active lifestyle, take him for a hike. It doesn’t need to be the longest hike, but doing something you know he enjoys will make him feel special. Time spent outdoors with family, is always time well spent and also sets a great example for your children.
5. Give Dad the Day Off
Finally, if you have the kind of Dad who never ever gets a day off, or a full night of sleep, let him relax. Let him sleep in - as much as he can. Maybe a lazy day at home with his loved ones is what he would enjoy most. Stay in, order takeout, play boardgames, watch movies. Let him lay low and enjoy some quality time with the people he works so hard to take care of.
Whatever you do, just remember to let your Dad know how much you love and appreciate him
Happy Father's Day!