Harrington Group Blog

npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
Now that everyone has had adequate time to recover from the holiday season and adjust to the new year, it’s time to look forward. It is time to start getting ready to file your taxes!
We know a lot of people dread this task every year, but it’s not as awful you think. Get a jump on organizing everything you will need and avoid the unnecessary stress. Here are two things you can do now, in preparation, to save yourself later.

The first thing is for those of you who may not have kept track of things as well as you could have over the past year, to sit down and go over it all. Start adding up all of your deductions. You will want to log things such as work related milage, travel and entertainment expenses. Have you paid for child care, work materials, permit fees or made any charitable contributions? Check the IRS website to find a complete list of all 2015 deductions. Make a complete list so you are ready when it come times for you to file.

Next step is even more simple. As you receive all of the documents relating to your finances for the previous year, keep them all together. Designate a space, file, or folder - whatever you know will work for you. File away all the statements from your bank, employer, any rental properties, partnerships or other income. If organizations you donated too send you paperwork, keep those as well. Store these all together, so once again, you will be saved the trouble of hunting them down as the deadline looms closer.

Whether you file your own taxes, or have someone take care of your accounting, you will not regret getting organized ahead of time.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
Walking into a job interview can be intimidating. You want to clearly portray all your abilities, competence, professionalism and personality to the interviewer, thus showing your compatibility with the company. That is  a lot to accomplish in a brief period of time, while under stress.

Asking the right questions is a simple way to show your interest and knowledge, without adding more pressure to yourself.
Here are five simple questions you can keep in your back pocket for any interview.

How do you evaluate employee performance?

This is important to know, so you understand what the company values, and what your job entails. Is it a sales based job, where the sales you make directly correlate to your success level? Is there a general rubric they follow that reads like a report card? These are things you want to know, so that you can make sure your skills line up with their evaluation methods, maximizing the benefits for both sides.

Are there opportunities for growth within the company? Do they promote from within?

I know this question seems borderline, too basic, but I promise it has a place. It is important to acknowledge your desire to grow within the company, and to make sure that it is in fact a reality. You want to know that you will have opportunities to grow and learn, and continue that process.

Why is this position open?

It may be that this is a new position within the company, as they are growing, or changing. However, it is more likely that the previous employee either left or was let go. You can often tell a lot from the way the interviewer speaks about situation, or previous employee. You want to be aware of if the position seems to have quick turnover, or if you are about to walk into an office full of drama.

How are the finances of the company?

This question is a lot harder for many people to ask. It is forward to ask about financial situations, but as you may be joining this company, it is justified. Companies that are struggling financially are often also stressful, and in reality, may not be a stable, steady, long term option for you.

How will doing this job contribute to the overall growth and success of the company?

You need to know more than your daily job duties. You need to know your role in the bigger picture. Your contribution to making the business run smoothly, and how your work will contribute to the success of the company is integral information to ensure you are prepared and informed when accepting a potential job offer.

While nerves can come into play, having these few questions to pull out will help give you a break from speaking, and help you learn important information the interviewer may not have discussed otherwise. The interviewer will inevitably ask you if you have any questions, and you should always have at least one. Hopefully having these questions to rely on will help you, and you can walk away feeling that the interview was a success
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
Harrington Group recently hosted a Holiday Party for its employees at Golden Road Brewery in Glendale. We thought it would be fun to share some of the photos with you, and give you a glimpse of us, away from our desks.

We took time to celebrate all the hard work and dedication from our awesome team in 2014 . And there is no better way to celebrate, than by eating plenty of delicious food and having some locally crafted beer with great company! We were also given a tour of their local, in house, brewery. Then we played games, and gave away prizes, because no one is never too old for some good old fashioned fun!

We had a great time, enjoying a team day away from the office, in the name of holiday cheer!

We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season, and cheers to a great 2015!
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
As the week comes to a close, many of your are preparing for a three day weekend, as Monday is Martin Luther King Day. As Americans we are well versed in the work and history of Martin Luther King Jr. He was an inspiring activist who stuck to his ideals and dedicated his life to affecting positive changes, specifically in the Civil Rights Movement.

Martin Luther King Jr. was an inspiring man in so many ways. Although we view his work on a rather large scale in the context of the history of our country, we must not forget that he was, at his core, a man, just like the rest of us.

Here are a five of our favorite inspirational quotes from Dr. King.
They are not only inspiring, but relatable, and useful in navigating every day life.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

“If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.”

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”

May we take this holiday not only as a reminder of the wonderful work done by Dr. King, but as a time to examine our own lives, philosophies, ideals. It is the perfect time to question our own personal intent, actions, character and commitment, and renew our dedication to doing what is right.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
I don’t think I’m over stepping my bounds by saying the holiday season can cause stress. There is a lot to do, and it suddenly seems as though there are more people just about everywhere. The roads are crowded, the malls are crowded, the parking lots, grocery stores, coffee shops, they are all crowded. This leads to long lines and plenty of waiting. Waiting is, needless to say, not something many people are used to doing in our instant gratification obsessed society.

I suggest you give yourself and the rest of the world a sincere gift this holiday season: PATIENCE.

If you choose to practice patience, you will be so much happier and actually get to enjoy the most wonderful time of year. You will be calm, relaxed and courteous. As a result of this patience, you will not cause unnecessary stress to yourself or others.

When someone snags your spot in a crowded parking lot, or a little old lady takes extra long at the register when you are already running late, I recommend you simply take a breathe and promptly let it go. You will find a different spot, you will get where you need to go, and I promise, everything will be okay.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
December first is World AIDS Day. AIDS and HIV are not openly discussed, even in our  modern society, but are still a widespread problem.

Here are a few facts to remind you of the prevalence of HIV and AIDS today.

1 in 6 living with HIV in the US are unaware of their infection.
1.2 million in the US are living with HIV.
3.2 million children worldwide are living with HIV.
35 million people worldwide currently have HIV/AIDS.
HIV is the world’s leading infectious killer.

So the real question is what can you do? The firs step is simply to act responsibly in protecting yourself. Practice safe sex and get yourself tested.

In the larger picture what can you do? You can help inform those around you about what HIV/AIDS actually are. You can be well informed and correct misperceptions when you come across them. You can also choose to volunteer or work with any number of organizations to spread information about prevention. There are opportunities to volunteer through needle exchange programs, to prevent the use of dirty or shared needles. You can support health organizations that care for those living with HIV or AIDS.

The most important part is to be well informed and aware, in your own life. You can
also join the conversations all over the internet today, by using the #WAD2014 and #FacingAIDS.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
Thanksgiving is just days away, with Christmas and New Years following quick behind. As much as we all love the holiday season, it can become overwhelming or stressful at times. It’s hard to balance cooking special meals, finding the perfect gifts, traveling, keeping your family happy and attending holiday events, while still maintaining a level of holiday cheer. So here are 5 tips to help you survive the holiday season, while keeping the joyful spirit in mind.

1) If you are traveling, try to do so on a less busy day. Leave a day early, or a day later to avoid the most saturated travel days. This will keep waiting to a minimum and help avoid unnecessary stress.

2) Say no. You can not do everything. It is okay to pick and choose which events and activities you have time for and say no to others.

3) Write a to-do list. All the little details add up, so writing a list of to-do’s can help keep you on task and organized when things get busy.

4) Delegate, or ask for help. If you have additional responsibilities at work, or need help cleaning the house before family arrives, kindly ask for assistance. A team can get things done more efficiently than if you run yourself ragged trying to do every task on your own.

5) Carve out time to enjoy the holiday traditions that you love! Whether you love wandering the tree lots, looking at lights around your neighborhood, or snuggling up by the fire, make sure you give yourself a break from all the busy-ness to fully appreciate the most wonderful time of the year.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
November has become host to a number of very important awareness efforts. The month is most notably host to the now infamous “Movember,” in which men grow their moustaches, in an effort to raise money and spread awareness about men’s health.

In addition to men’s health, November is dedicated to raising awareness about lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, adoption and many other causes.

Here are a few facts, to remind you just how prevalent, and important these causes are.

• Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer of both men and women in the United States.

• Pancreatic cancer has the highest mortality rate of all major cancers. 94% of pancreatic cancer patients will die within five years of diagnosis. 74% of patients die within the first year of diagnosis.

• 29.1 million people in the United States have diabetes.

• Every 67 seconds someone in the United States develops Alzheimer's.

• In the U.S. 397,122 children are living without permanent families in the foster care system.

Harrington Group is proud to work with many organizations that actively support these causes, and work to do so every day. We encourage you to get involved with one or more of these causes and contribute to spreading awareness in your own way.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
Sometimes you don’t have to travel very far from home in order to find a great cause that you can really get behind and support. Cancer affects so many people near and dear to all of us; thus it is with great pride and admiration that we at Harrington Group focus our Client Spotlight on the Cancer Support Community - Benjamin Center.

Cancer Support Community - Benjamin Center, formerly The Wellness Community, was founded by Dr. Harold Benjamin and his wife Harriet in 1982. With cancer being a very real part of our society, affecting someone we all know, the Cancer Support Community revolutionized the way that patients and their families receive support and care. The Benjamins also wanted to make sure that patients and their families could get the help that they needed, for free. They have pushed, since the beginning, to make the medical community realize the importance of treating the whole person and not just the disease.


The idea for the organization came about after the Benjamins had the experience of Harriet’s successful fight with breast cancer in the 1970s. They discovered that the involvement of their family and friends was a huge part in her recovery and that the community that they surrounded themselves with played an active role, too. This experience led to Harold’s Patient Active Concept, based on the importance of “active participation” in the treatment and recovery process "to improve the quality of life and enhance the possibility of recovery."


One of the first and biggest advocates for the Cancer Support Community was comedian Gilda Radner of Saturday Night Live fame. After her diagnosis with ovarian cancer, Gilda was not sure how she wanted to handle the news and her treatment. After her visit to the Cancer Support Community, she realized that it was "a community for people who have cancer to come and play in, to make their lives better, to have an opportunity to help themselves and to help other people" and she never looked back.

Currently, the Cancer Support Community - Benjamin Center (CSC) offers free programs for anyone affected by cancer, including people with cancer and their families.   CSC’s service territory extends from Malibu to downtown and to El Segundo and Sherman Oaks.  CSC’s services include group support, counseling, healthy lifestyle classes, educational workshops and social activities. Cancer Support Community - Benjamin Center is part of an international network of 50 affiliates.  With the help of the internet, CSC is able to offer help to remote locations and hospitals, making its reach upwards of 750,000 patients worldwide.

If you or someone you know is facing cancer, do not do it alone. Contact the Cancer Support Community and take advantage of the strength of a loving community. We at Harrington Group are so very proud of all the work CSC does to help people in their battle against this disease.  And remember – it’s all free of charge!  Call 310-314-2555 for more information or visit www.cancersupportcommunitybenjamincenter.org
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
November is a month when people take the time to examine their lives, expressing their gratitude for all that life has bestowed upon them, and spending time with those they love. It is a time when life is put into perspective and differences are set aside, in favor of celebrating the little things and feeling at peace.
One specific and very important moment of gratitude, which we celebrate together, as a nation, is Veteran’s Day. There are many ways Veteran’s Day is celebrated, but the most important is in the outright thanks of all our military personnel. We live in a country where we are afforded freedoms many others do not have. Our freedom is a direct result of the service of these men and women. They sacrifice so much to protect us, the least we can do is say thank you.
Take time out of your day to say thank you to the service men and women in your life. Spend a few moments writing a thank you letter to an active service member, or a wounded warrior. It is such a simple act, but can bring moments of joy to these men and women. After all they have sacrificed, they deserve every moment of joy we can give them.
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