Harrington Group Blog

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It can be really hard to get going some weeks. Monday rolls around too soon, a busy weekend leaves the list of tasks that I was hoping to accomplish during my weekend sitting unfinished, waiting to be accomplished. Mondays can be hard and slow going at first. Not today.

This morning, I was determined to get things done, and in typical fashion, I started with checking facebook. The Harrington Group feed is full of updates and posts from many of our clients and a group of hardworking nonprofits that are changing the world one day at a time. I scrolled through with my coffee in hand and I was so Inspired!

Mending Kids is providing life changing surgeries to children in need all over the world, right now they are in Guatemala. Somehow seeing the pictures of the volunteers and the children makes it all a bit more real.  LAUP is always working hard to bring positive educational experiences to all children in Los Angeles. Their inspiring messages about the importance of play and the pictures of the children in their programs having fun, learning, hit home today.

There are photos of people who would have struggled in the justice system, provided for, pro bono, by One Justice. There are countless updates about #activism and #volunteering across the country. The common theme in my thread this morning was doing for others. The world is a beautifully complex place. There is need, but there are a huge number of people out there that thrive on providing for others.

 There are people in this world with great hearts. I am thankful that I get to see that. Everything is put into perspective, so by accident this morning. I walk away in search of that next big thing, my cause, and I am inspired to do every little thing I can until I find it.

Thank you to all of you for all that you do!
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
Volunteer. This word carries so much weight. Whether you are a person who is leading the efforts in your own nonprofit organization, the passionate soul giving their time to the cause, or the person in need whose life is changed thanks to the kindness of others, this work plays an incredibly large role in your existence.

Nonprofits would be nowhere if not for the time and energy put forth by their volunteers. They are truly the backbone of each organization. From fundraising to hours dedicated to the cause in the field, the volunteers are the ones who are making it all happen.

#Volunteer is starting a conversation where passionate individuals and organizations can come together and talk about the issues and what it might take to advance towards the solutions we need to progress. Those who are willing and able can find outlets for their energy that will bring about social change. organizations can raise awareness and tell the story of those they are trying to help. When this dialogue is present, so is a greater recipe for social good.

Say what you will about smartphones and the technology present in todays society, a distraction perhaps, but never before have we had such an opportunity for a global discussion about issues that really matter to people throughout the world. So, whoever you are, get involved, take advantage of the opportunity to find your way, find that cause that makes you want to volunteer. Be that cause, get your story out so that you can attract the right match of passion and dedication, or simply browse the plethora of information available at your fingertips for inspiration.

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
#CSR is an important and trending hashtag on twitter dealing with the important topic of Corporate Social Responsibility. Corporate social responsibility deals with the concept that change can come about through the efforts of individuals, businesses and corporations. The idea is that businesses have a responsibility to their communities to use their size and power to promote good and raise awareness for causes and those that work for them.

 “Corporate social responsibility (CSR) takes into account increased populations and scarce resources to ensure that global development is sustainable. Three central pillars of economic progress, social justice and environmental protection now form the basis of how businesses interact and support communities.” Quite simply it is business ethics on a global scale.

The #CSR conversation may have begun on twitter, but it has quickly expanded to encompass most if not all of the social media platforms about today. Look through twitter, facebook and instagram, there are ongoing conversations surrounding the social responsibilities in connection with big business and nonprofit work. Whether you are a business looking to get involved or a nonprofit organization looking for big supporters, the opportunity has never been more in reach than it is today to get involved in the important conversation that is going on all around you.

As a nonprofit, you can plead your case, campaign your cause and present information through social media attached to the #CSR hashtag so that those corporations looking to get involved can see what their options are and hopefully, discover your cause. If you can embrace this new platform to campaign for your cause, you have the potential to reach possible donors and supporters all across the world.

If you are a business that is participating in supporting a cause or multiple causes through nonprofit organizations, or you are looking to get involved, the #CSR conversation could be greatly beneficial for you. Taking a look at the information could provide a wealth of knowledge from both sides of the conversation to help you to make your decisions as to how you want to proceed and participate.

People from all sizes of businesses are now taking part in this exciting global conversation through the use of #CSR, and the end result is that more and more work is being done to help those in need all over the world. By expanding the platform for discussion, campaigning and awareness, we broaden the possibilities for greater change. No matter where you fall in the great scheme of things, #CSR is a hashtag you can get behind.

npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
Today, Harrington Group wanted to take a minute say thank you to the Medical Staff at Hollywood Presbyterian. Thank you for all that you do! You are saving and changing lives everyday and our community is richer because of your service.

We will use our experience to serve you because we respect what you do, and if we can help to make the business easier for you, we are happy to do our part so that you can focus on what is most important, the people.

 Welcome to the Harrington Group client family. We are so happy to have you!
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @

At Harrington Group, we practice what we preach. We don't just take pride in the work that our nonprofit clients do, we get out there and get dirty ourselves, supporting causes close to our hearts.

This weekend, some of the Harrington Group team, led by our awesome partner Tonetta Conner, took part in the Didi Hirsch 5k in support of suicide prevention.

This cause has gotten a great deal of press lately following the death of Academy Award winner Robin Williams. Suicide affects millions of families across the country and is a mental health epidemic that does not discriminate based on socioeconomic status.

Needless to say, bringing awareness to the cause to support education and prevention is not an opportunity we felt we could pass up.So...some of our dedicated employees put on some of their best running shoes and went out Sunday to the Alive and Running event to sweat it up for a cause. Not only did the Harrington Group team get in a great workout, but they left with their hearts full as well.

We encourage all of you to do what you can. Get out there and make a difference, one step at a time!
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
Sustainable Sciences Institute is making it possible for public health communities and systems that are in need of funding in order to conduct their resources and service to have the capital to continue their work. Without Sustainable Sciences Institute, the health community would be lacking the benefit of some great minds and research.

We are so proud to announce the partnership between Harrington Group and Sustainable Sciences Institute. We are proud to add you to our esteemed list of clients. We hope that through our service we can help to make your job a little easier.

Thank you so much for joining our family.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
This month, the Harrington Group’s Client Spotlight is focusing on The Children’s Home of Stockton. The Children’s Home of Stockton got its start in 1882 when a group of women formed the Ladies Aide Society of Stockton,  their goal was to provide charitable services to the community of stockton. One year later, the Ladies Aide had their first big accomplishment, opening up a children’s home in a rented house. From there, the Children’s Home evolved, going through its first major period of change between 1908 and 1912 when there were enough funds raised to begin building a permanent structure for the home. Funds were raised, doubled by a philanthropist, an architect was hired and a home was built that could house up to 100 children. The home evolved more over the years, it expanded to include the behaviorally and emotionally challenged youth, and added an annex to make room for older children and teens that needed housing. In 1995, the home underwent its second biggest transitional period, with a huge fund raising campaign and the building of new facilities.

Today, the Children’s Home mission statement is “To give at-risk youth a chance for a productive life through treatment and education in a safe nurturing environment.” Guided by this mission statement, the Children’s Home offers services to children and their families in need regardless of their age or race.

The programs offered through the Children’s Home are Educational services in a K-12 non-public school setting and professional counseling in a residential treatment setting addressing child and adolescent needs and problems, i.e. depression, bereavement, anxiety, child abuse, sexual abuse and sexual concerns, other interpersonal problems, individual adjustments, family problems, parent/child conflicts, mental illness, social, vocational and independent living skills and other individual and family needs.

The Children’s Home offers Vocational and Emancipation Services where they provide assistance and training in a number of areas to help to prepare the teens with the skills necessary to get a job and live life on their own without additional assistance. The Home also offers Recreation Therapy where they offer a wide variety of recreational activities to the children in an attempt to offer recreational therapy teaching the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In addition to the other services, the Home also offers Health Care and Nutritional Services, each child undergoes a physical assessment when they come to the Home and their health issues are managed and maintained until they leave.

Harrington Group is proud of the work and care that the Children’s Home of Stockton provides for the youth in need of their community. We are happy that we get the opportunity to work with the Children’s Home and play a small roll in all the good that they do.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
At Harrington Group, when we take a look at our client list, we are always so proud to realize the long list of services that are provided to communities all over by the work that our clients do. We are honored to serve them all and use our knowledge to help the causes that each one of them holds so dear.

We would like to thank One Justice for trusting us to help and serve them. We will do everything we can to make it so you can focus on what is really important, the people you are trying to help. One Justice provides free legal help to those in need.

We believe in your mission and we are happy to have you as a part of the Harrington Group family!
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
One thing that our clients all have in common is their selfless acts of service to their communities, whether that be through local service or service that spans the globe. Right now, we wanted to take a few minutes and say a big thank you to Mending Kids for the amazing job you do helping children in need all over the world.

Mending Kids provides “life changing surgical care” to those children who need it the most, all over the world. Mending Kids is truly changing lives. It is a huge job, and we are so happy here at Harrington Group to have the opportunity to take a little off your plate so you can do even more.

Thank you for choosing us, and for everything that you do for the children of the world.
Welcome to the Harrington Group family.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
We wanted to take a minute today and welcome one of our new clients to the Harrington Group family. Stephen S. Wise Temple has recently joined us, and we could not be more proud to have them on board.

We are always immensely proud of our clients and the work that they do. We want to thank everyone at Stephen S. Wise Temple for the time they invest in promoting education and social justice within their community.

We are proud you have chosen Harrington Group to help you in your journey, and we will do our best to serve you with excellence each day.
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