Harrington Group Blog

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The month of May has the pleasure of hosting some special holidays. Both Mother’s Day and Memorial Day are celebrated during this special month. While the celebration of Mothers and the remembrance of those who have given their lives serving our country are very different, it seems the over-arching lesson would be to make sure you are valuing the people in your life, and telling them so. It is a reminder of all your many blessings and fortune, while simultaneously serving to remind you of their fleeting nature.

Consider - Are you spending enough quality time with your family? Are you calling your mom, even when you don’t need her immediate advice? Are you conscious of all those laboring day in and day out to simply allow you live your life? Do you ever stop to send gratitude to the farm workers laboring to pick your food, thank your boss for the extra work they put in to being an inspirational leader, or send prayers of protection to the men and women in uniform, who have chosen to sacrifice everything for your freedoms?

Today’s world can be overwhelming. With all the media, technology and the accompanying expectations, it can sometimes be hard to see past our own daily struggles. All those in the armed forces, mothers, and mother like figures are a wonderful, and much needed reminder of how much more life can become when we dare to depart our self-imposed bubble, and put others first. I feel confident in saying, these two groups of people are some of the most highly respected in the world. They are the people we look to in times of crisis, they are who we trust when we don’t know how to proceed. We hold them in esteem, because they hold themselves to high standards, and make the necessary sacrifices to benefit others and the world at large. We respect and admire that - and rightly so.

So this month, be reminded of all those who make your life possible. Take time to thank those you can, remember those who are gone, and strive to live the values they embody.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
This week is a time designated to express our gratitude and appreciation for some very special people in our lives - teachers. Teachers have shaped and molded lives in so many ways beyond the basics of Arithmetic and English.

Regardless of what career path has been chosen, or how distant the school memories are, we all have at least one outstanding teacher who comes to mind when we look back on who greatly influenced our lives. It has likely been years since you have seen this teacher, you have drastically changed, the hallways at schools no longer seem daunting and you have mastered all those skills that once seemed beyond comprehension. Yet, the lessons they instilled in you have stayed with you through all the chaos life has thrown at you.

So what is it about teachers that makes their lessons stay with you a lifetime? Beyond the obvious answer of the acts of teaching you, their power is in the fact that they see you - and I don’t mean with their eyes. Teachers see you for the person you are and accept you. It sounds so simple, but in the modern world where we may cross paths with hundreds or thousands of people in a day without interaction, someone taking the time to listen, to help, and to validate your work and feelings is rare.

When we are young, this need for approval and recognition is vital. Often times, teachers are the people providing this approval, or guidance. Outside of family, the world can feel like it is different than you. Whether struggling with grades, sports, friends or any other plague life has dealt, having someone willing to listen to you and help you navigate through early struggles leaves a memorable bond.

Although we can not all track down our long lost favorite teacher, we can honor them through our lives. Honor the lessons they taught you, and the morals they instilled in you, and pass those on to your family and friends. If you are lucky enough to have teachers in your life, take the time to simply, genuinely thank them for what they do - they are changing the world.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
As California residents, we are accustomed to a certain amount of sunshine, and enjoy all around pleasant weather. The Golden State, nick-named as such for the gold many miners found in the state and the fields of golden poppies, may as well have been named for the golden rays of sunshine we constantly find ourself under. We have great weather! But do you remember that nursery rhyme from childhood? The simple line stated, “April flowers bring May flowers.” Well, here we are, with April just over and the idea of rain is a little foreign to us. We may get a drizzling here or there, but not typically enough rain to bring about those previously mentioned Spring blooms. So what is the cost of living in a state of perpetual sunshine? Well it is getting pretty steep. California is in a very serious, ongoing drought.

We have heard over the past 4 years that we are in a drought. It seems that in many ways, we are not taking this news to heart. While we expected a nice, replenishing, rainy season in the first few months of the year, January, February and March turned out to be the driest on record. In addition to lack of precipitation during these months, California has also experienced record high temperatures. This is not good news for us, as months and years add up, and the drought continues, the situation only because more serious and concerning.

The reality is that water is scarce, and water prices are a fragile, political topic. There are also fees being imposed for mis-usage of water. It is such a major problem, but still feels out of our control. It’s the weather, you cannot control it, and all the rain dances you do may not be enough to correct the dire situation we are in. However, you do have power to use the resources we do have to their maximum benefit. You can minimize your consumption and maximize effective usage.

Consider the water you use to rinse off your hands, or foods before cooking them. This water can be caught and reused to water plants.

Run dishwashers and washing machines, only when full to minimize wasteful runs on small loads.

Change your toilet, shower head and washing machine to more water-efficient alternatives.

Make sure your faucets and plumbing are not leaking.

Add a layer of mulch around trees and plants to aid in reducing evaporation and use water efficient irrigation systems.

These are just examples of water usage in the home. You can also look at the water footprint of products you buy and assess whether you want to support them and participate in their usage. There are many many ways you can reduce your water consumption and many state and city provided resources to help you navigate through this drought. Stay informed about the state of our water because it effects every one of us. It is our duty to handle this drought responsibly, so that down the line, the problem will not be exacerbated and irreversible.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
Living in a society that is seemingly centered around instant gratification and more concerned with immediate results than long lasting, sustainable plans it is easy to lose sight of the bigger picture of what is happening all around us. There is so much more contributing to and in a sense controlling our lives, but we often forego the hard conversations, and ignore troubling realities, in favor of not adding large scale, overwhelming problems (which we often feel powerless over) to our already busy and stressful lives. It borders on impressive, how well we - society at large - suppress and block-out the knowledge of our obvious troubles. So instead of feeling overwhelmed, I challenge you to feel empowered.

Today is Earth Day.

That was the problem being referenced in the opening paragraph - the planet we live on. Now the planet in and of itself is not a problem. I think we can all agree it has been a bountiful source of life and has been integral to our survival. The problem becomes evident when we start examining our treatment of it. Earth, and its natural resources are being consumed at astonishing rates. With the industrial revolution came a shift from the traditional way things were made and done to a drastically changed method. Over the years there have been laws and stipulations put in place to regulate such things as emission, waste, toxicity, etc. But, even so, we are in uncharted territory. Everything has never been moving and growing and changing at such a rapid speed. In my life so far I have had 8 different cell phones. No previous generation would have the waste we have, due to technology alone. We are simply consuming at a much faster rate than anyone before us. This does not come as a surprise to any of us. I do not expect this to stop you in your tracks.

The goal of this post, as with many others is self-examination. Nobody is expected to alter their whole life in an effort to save the planet, and innovate green technology. Everything within reason. Every person can take small steps to positively impact, and in essence shrink their footprint on the planet. Here are some simple steps you can try.

Walk to work or dinner one night a week instead of driving.
Bring your own cup or bottle for your beverages.
Do not eat meat for one day a week.
Turn of lights & unplug electronics when not in use.
Turn down your thermostat when you are out of the house.
Be conscious of the clothing and fabrics you buy - some synthetics are actually more eco-friendly.
Eat foods that are grown locally.
Re-use items. Whether it be clothes that no longer fit, or a container that is now empty. Find a new use for it or pass it on.
Consider alternative, clean energy sources.

The point is, you can significantly alter your impact on the environment by changing one daily habit, or one day a week in your schedule. The benefits far out-weigh the effort it will cost you. So do not feel overwhelmed, start small. Make one step, that feels manageable to you. You can always add more later, or decide this isn’t working and make a new plan. The point is, you are in control of what you want to do, and it is up to you to care for the planet and set an example for future generations.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
With tax season in full swing, we have been spending a little extra time in the office. But, we can’t complain because we love our work, our team and where our office is located. We are so lucky to have our offices in the beautiful city of Pasadena, located in Northern Los Angeles.

The beauty of the city alone is enough to win hearts. Stroll around the streets of Pasadena and you will find it hard to resist the city’s charm. Whether you appreciate the beauty of the trees that line the residential streets, or are enamored with the architecture of the historical buildings, you are sure to find the aesthetic pleasing.

We think food deserves a spot on our list! Because, well it’s food, and honestly, who doesn’t love to eat? From the cutest coffee shops and cafes, to full service restaurants, Pasadena is home to delectable cuisine of arguably, every type. There are breakfast spots, burger joints, scrumptious Thai food, classic barbecue, sushi options, bars, dessert spots - the list can go on and on. In essence, our point is you will never be short delicious meal options when in Pasadena.

By far, our favorite thing about being centered in Pasadena is the sense of community that we feel here. Los Angeles is often generally categorized as an unfriendly city, but we have found that we have a very close-knit, dependable network of wonderful people here in Pasadena. We love the small town, down home feel we get here. Walking down the street people are friendly, and we have been afforded the opportunities to work with many inspiring individuals within the community. It is a wonderful city, but beyond that the residents and businesses genuinely care about and want to work together and support each other in an effort to better the city. We couldn't ask for anything better.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
March 31st is the final day in the first quarter of the fiscal year. This signifies the closing of the first quarter for businesses operating on a typical calendar year.

Now that the first quarter is completed - what can you see about your year so far?

This is the time to examine your first quarter. Typically you will want to compare it to the first quarter of the previous year, as well as to any projections and predictions for the current year. You want to review important items like, whether you are on track with the budget you planned for the year, or if you need to cut back or alter your projections. Did your company encounter unexpected costs? Are your employees and their compensation rates making sense for your current path? Is your revenue more or less than predicted? What outside, economic influences affected your quarterly outcomes?

After examining your first quarter and concluding whether you are satisfied to follow the original plan you set in place, or you feel the need to re-work some things, be sure to re-commit to your goals. Whether you are ahead of, or behind schedule, set in motion a strategy to maximize your likelihood of success. Be exacting in your goals and uncompromising in your efforts.

But remember, this is only the first quarter. You still have three more to go!
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
Working as accountants, our busiest time falls from the start of the new year, through that April 15th deadline. As hard as we work, and as much as we love what we do, we can also get stressed sometimes - we’re human. It happens to all of us at one time or another, so if something in life is stressing you out, here are five tips of how to de-stress.

1) This one is a little silly to some, but we find it helpful. Give yourself a finite amount of time to worry. Designate 5-10 minutes of your day as time to acknowledge your worries. Think about them, write them down, get them out of your head so you can return to your work and stay on task.

2) Stretch and move your body. Don’t sit at your desk for 6 hours straight. We know there is lots of your work to do, and little time to complete it all, but take 2 minutes to walk around the office or stand up and stretch at your desk. This not only helps your physical comfort, but re-invigorates you mentally as well.

3) Bring snacks to the office. This one is very important. When working long days people often do not take the time to stop and eat full meals. Whether you have time or not, having healthy, protein packed snacks easily accessible at your desk can keep you working and able to focus all day.

4) Get a head start. Wake up early, get out the door a little early. Starting your morning off on the right foot sets the tone for your whole day. When you make it to the office on time, or even a little early, you are in a positive mind set to tackle your day.

5) Get some sleep! It is easier to get that head start in the morning if you get enough sleep the night before. If you get enough sleep, you are able to function at a higher level throughout the day. With enough sleep you will not be groggy, you will be clear headed and ready to work.

While you have lots of work to do, remember that many other factors can influence your ability to complete everything to the best of your abilities. Take these small steps to keep stress at bay. In addition, remember to keep everything in perspective, and remind yourself all the things you love about your life and job.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
This month, Harrington Group has the honor of helping you to get to know The Community Foundation—Serving Riverside and San Bernardino Counties in California, the feature of this month’s Client Spotlight.

Charles Brouse was a man who in addition to being a banker, was also a civic leader who saw an opportunity to repay all the favors and goodwill he was shown in the years leading to his success. He saw the needs within his community, particularly those of students in need of financial assistance, and he seized the opportunity to do some good.

Brouse established the Foundation in 1941. His main focus at the time was to help students attending Riverside Community College by providing scholarships. As the needs in the community changed and grew, so did the Foundation. In 2000, the Foundation expanded its community reach by serving both Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.

In 2014, The Community Foundation awarded grants and scholarships totaling over $7 million. $2.8 million of that was in scholarships to every two- and four-year accredited university and college in both Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, in addition to schools and universities across the country. Close to 300 component funds equate the nearly $86 million in assets that The Community Foundation manages.

The Community Foundation’s work is simplified into the five “G’s”: Get gifts. Grow funds. Give grants. Gather people. Guide philanthropy.  Get:  If someone wants to be philanthropic, they can make a donation, donate to an existing fund, or arrange for a gift to be given at a later time. Grow:  Once the gifts and donations are received, they are invested in order to capitalize on their potential growth, maximizing their reach and effectiveness, and extending the life of the gift from the present to include the future as well. Give: The Community Foundation gives grants to 501(c) 3 nonprofit organizations and provides scholarships to deserving students. Gather: As a practice, they gather community leaders and nonprofits in an attempt to create an environment where all may come together and assess the needs of the community. Guide: The Foundation strengthens philanthropy through projects such as Give BIG, an online giving day, and encourages involvement in nonprofit participation and encourages youth philanthropy.

The Community Foundation is one of those organizations whose reach is so broad and their structure is such that the overall impact that they can make is infinite and forever. What this means for the communities surrounding them is an assurance that if there are needs that the people have, The Community Foundation and their generous donors will do its best to address those issues.  The Community Foundation is “Here for Good.”

Harrington Group is so proud to be able to list The Community Foundation among our esteemed clients.  We are grateful to offer our assistance, so that in turn, The Community Foundation can offer theirs.  
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
There are always a plethora of causes that each month is dedicated to. As we work exclusively with non-profit organizations, we always have an interest in learning about and getting involved when we can. While there are various dedications in March, we are going to take this post as a chance to discuss Multiple Sclerosis, often simply referred to as MS.

The Mayo Clinic defines Multiple Sclerosis as “a disease in which your immune system attacks the protective sheath (myelin) that covers your nerves. Myelin damage disrupts communication between your brain and the rest of your body. Ultimately, the nerves themselves may deteriorate, a process that's currently irreversible.”

Early symptoms include weakness, tingling, numbness, and blurred vision but may extend to muscle stiffness, thinking problems, and urinary problems. The deterioration can be physical or mental and either progressive, or happen in what is referred to as “attacks.” As a result of the disease, those affected can lose certain physical functions, sometimes deteriorating to the point of not being able to walk, or take care of themselves. In short, they require care and assistance to accomplish tasks they may have formerly given little thought to. The simple daily routines become increasingly difficult, or even not possible on their own. As mentioned above, these effects are currently not reversible.

The effects of the disease are compounded by the toll they take on the sick individual and those who surround them. As with any problem that causes pain and suffering, or requires medical attention, there is more to it than the disease itself. There is an accompanying financial burden, in the form of medical bills, or even live in care, if so required. The emotional, and psychological state of the sick individual can be greatly altered by this new dependence on others. There can be frustration, or guilt for the effect they are unintentionally having on the lives of those they love.

So, the first thing that comes to mind in terms of how you can help is a monetary donation. Funding towards research and helping reduce care costs is always appreciated, but we are not asking that of you. We are simply asking your awareness and kindness on the issue. It is always  best to be over informed and totally aware. So take the time to learn about something, you never know when the information will be useful to you.
npocpas1 by npocpas1 @
As we move from the cool, dark winter months into the bright sunshine of Spring, let’s take pause to examine our lives and keep ourselves accountable. Just over two months ago was the grandest of new beginnings: a new year.

Did you promise yourself a few changes, a new life, a new you? Whatever it was that you were so determined to add to, or change about your life - not to nitpick - but, ahem, are you still doing it? Whether you are 100 percent still dedicated, or you barely remember what that oath to yourself was, let’s just stop a second and evaluate.

Be objective as possible in your self-checking. No excuses. No blaming. No judging. Be real with yourself about what you have accomplished, where you have fallen short and what is still available to improve. Maybe your goals were a little lofty for immediate results, maybe you dreamed so big you intimidated yourself, maybe you hit a rough patch and it totally threw you off. Maybe you have already started losing the weight, maybe you now love volunteering every month. Wherever you are at, can you do more? Should you do a little less? Whichever end of the spectrum you are on, don’t write yourself off.

Spring is fast approaching, the sun is shining, the flowers are getting ready to bloom and surround us with the beauty of new life. So take the opportunity to embrace more change, more beauty, and resolve yourself to really put in the effort you deserve. Every day can be a fresh start, but it never hurts to have the visible reminder every day. So although, every time is the right time to start, to change or to just keep going, there’s no time quite as beautiful and inspiring as Spring.
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